Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

  • Creative Mindfulness Tuesday evenings in Tawa.
  • Tawa All Good Colourers every last Sunday of the month.
  • Learn to crochet, 4 weeks, starts 1 November on the Wednesday evening.

My Wednesday evening “learn to crochet for calmness” class finished last Wednesday and I’m super proud of my students!! I’m also super grateful for the awesome feedback they gave me on the course 💜 Thank you!!!

We had a great morning full of colouring and zendoodle yesterday in the Tawa Community Centre and lots of people came to chill and chat!!



If you want to start practicing mindfulness, so you feel better, are more relaxed and worry less, you have to make it easy for yourself. And the easiest way is to take an activity that you are doing already, and make that a mindfulness exercise. So doing what you are doing anyway, just now doing it mindfully.

This can be brushing your teeth, rinsing your shampoo, emptying the dishwasher, having your morning cuppa, walking home from the station, or hanging the laundry outside. The last one is my favorite!!

Make it mindful by bringing your full attention to your senses in the here and now. What can you see, feel, hear, touch, smell right here, right now while you are doing what you are doing. Doestn’t have to take more than a few minutes!!

You will notice you get easily distracted by anything that pops up in your mind, and that doesn’t matter at all. Actually, that is super normal to happen!

Just notice you get distracted, and kindly bring your attention back to the activity you were doing mindfully.

Go on, try it this week!

Have a great week!


Healthy Mind, Happy Heart


Friends really are family!

Mindfulness helps in making friends with ourselves. It also makes you aware of how connected you are to others and to the world around you.
Did you know that best friends often look like each other, have similare beliefs, values and temperaments? It goes even further than that! Apparently you share about 1 percent of their genes, similar to you and your nephew or niece!! So friends really are family!
In busy times however, these very close friends might be overlooked more easily than others. As we know they will understand, and be there for us always. This week I want you to reach out to those friends you haven’t seen or spoken for too long. Make an effort and try to connect with three of them this week. I will too!
My 8-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction starts Thursday, I have a few spots left. I’m also doing a fun talk/workshop at the Peninsula Preschool tonight, looking forward to both!! Ask me anytime if you would like me to come to your workplace too!
Have the best week,