Free Weekly Mindfulness and Upcoming courses

Upcoming classes:

Wednesday 2 August, 4 week learn to crochet at Tawa Community Adult Education

Monday 7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness.

Tuesday 15 August: 6 week Creative Mindfulness. 

 Email to register.




Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

Is it schoolholidays in your home? It is in mine!
We often stay at home, as the kids seem to be very happy just hanging around.
Even if you are not going to the sun, or the snow or anywhere els these two weeks, that doesn’t mean you can’t take some moments to yourself to chill! And when everybody is at home for 2 weeks, I really need to do this myself!!
So this week, make a list of things that you like to do, that are fun, relaxing, or a treat. Doesn’t have to be expensive!
Commit yourself to doing at least one item of the list every day. Even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes, take that time for yourself.
My list so far:
-put my colouring calender back on the dining table, I don’t have to finish a whole colouring page, but I can sit down for 10 minutes and colour.
-sit on my balcony (it’s covered!), have my coffee or tea in peace.
-visit a museum/gallery.
-go for a walk at the beach.
– go for lunch with a friend.
-go for a coffee with a neighbour.
-discover more meditations on my mediation apps.
-browse crochet projects.
-make a zendoodle.
-do my yoga every day.
Have a great week!
Aroha nui,
🌷Healthy Mind, Happy Heart
ps. do you like the picture? My dream camper, one day it will happen 🙂


Free Weekly Mindfulness and upcoming courses.

Upcoming classes:

 Sunday 2 July: Tawa All Good Colourers, at the Community Centre 10-12.

Wednesday 2 August, 4 week learn to crochet at Tawa Community Adult Education

Monday 7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness.

Tuesday 15 August: 6 week Creative Mindfulness. 

 Email to register.




Good morning from Dunedin!! Feeling grateful to be here and I couldn’t have done this without one of my best friends, looking after our kids!!
Mindfulness is easy, it’s paying attention, in the here and now, with curiosity, acceptance and openheartedness, and without judging.
That means, it’s mostly an attention trainer!
This week, try to bring your attention to your body, the sensations in your body, just a couple of times a day.
Usually when you’re walking, your mind will wander off. Bringing your focus back to your body can help in stopping this wandering. As often the wandering can be ruminating, worrying, stressing, planning etc. Which only fatigues the brain and makes you feel bad.
Another way to be more mindful of the body is to start practicing yoga. I use the downdog app and absolutely love it! Great for beginners too! You can use it any time, any where, even at your work 🙂
Have a great week!
Don’t forget to register for the upcoming courses, the 8 week MBSR, 6 week creative mindfulness or the just crochet!!!
Healthy Mind, Happy Heart
🌷the yoga app:

Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout and upcoming classes.

Upcoming classes:

 Sunday 2 July: Tawa All Good Colourers, at the Community Centre 10-12.

Wednesday 2 August, learn to crochet at Tawa Community Adult Education

Monday 7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness.

Tuesday 15 August: Creative Mindfulness.

 Email to register.


spiral staircase


FREE Weekly Mindfulness Workout.
I had a fun week, teaching mindfulness at Tawa College to teenagers and at the community centre to a younger age group.
I explained to the teens about how thoughts, feelings and actions relate to each other in every day situations. When I asked them if that was already known information, I was so surprised that this basic understanding of our wellbeing, was missing!
So one more time:
Our daily life is a string of situations up on situations. In every situation there will be thoughts popping up in our minds, we feel things in our body, have emotions and we will do something. Or we will avoid doing something.
This determines whether we are on an upwards way, in our spiral of well-being, or on a downward way.
By becoming more mindful of ourselves, and how we react in daily situations, we will get more insight in why we feel the way we feel. And that gives us the opportunity to make changes to what we think, what we feel and what we do so we make sure we get on the way up in this spiral.
This week take some time, to have a good look at where you are on this spiral. At the bottom, half way up, or are you generally feeling all good, standing at the top of your spiral??
Can you think of changes you can make, to keep going upwards? Or to stop from going downwards?
Have a great week, remember to register for the 8 week mindfulness that starts next term, (the above is part of this course). This is a great course for teenagers too! And not just for women 🙂
💜Healthy Mind, Happy Heart
ps, quiet for the storm. Tawa College session about mindfulness last Monday.

Upcoming classes and Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

Upcoming classes:
  Tuesday 6 June: Creative Mindfulness. 
                                              Saturday 17 June: Mindfulness for Kids workshop, 1-4 pm.

      Sunday 2 July: Tawa All Good Colourers.

                                           Monday 7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness.

                             Email to register.



Yesterday was Yarn bombing day and I had great fun with that!
If you missed the pics on facebook you can see them below as well.
Hope you join me next year!!
You can learn to crochet at Tawa Community Education in August to get ready for it!
See the latest newsletter here:
>>>>Free workout starts here:
Last week we talked about, and practiced, mindful eating at the Creative Mindfulness class. One of the things that came up, is that mindful eating is about keeping the joy in eating, and eat with your full attention, making wise choices about what to eat. Deciding on foodoptions the same way you spend your money wisely.
A great way to do that is to have a lunchdate with yourself. And we are so extremely lucky in Wellington to have so many great food trucks, that this is such a fun exercise too!!
So this week, go on that lunch date!!
Pick something your really like, (maybe a smaller portion of something that is a bit more expensive than your usual lunch), find a nice spot to sit outside, and eat with your full attention. Taking in how it looks, how it feels, how it smells, and how it tasts.
Show me your lunches ok??!!
Have a great week,
Yarn bombing pictures of Tawa:

Upcoming classes & Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

Upcoming classes:
Tuesday 6 June: Creative Mindfulness. 

Saturday 17 June: Mindfulness for Kids workshop

Sunday 24 June: All Good Colourers

Monday 7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness

motivation paint peel
Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout
Queen’s Birthday, and drama’s in London. So much happening in the world always. Makes you appreciate your normal day to day life even more.
This picture is my go to motivation for life. I found it once in the States and have carried it with my back to England, to the Netherlands and now it’s here in NZ.
It makes me smile, it motivates me to do stuff, and it makes me feel good.
With mindfulness you train your attention when you give it something to focus on. This can be your breathing, or your senses, or a mantra, a word, a sentence.
What is your best motivational quote? What has helped you? What words make you feel good? What always pulls you through??
Let me know what quotes have helped you, and I will post them out on the page this week!
I have a few things coming up, mindfulness for kids, creative mindfulness classes and the 8 week mindfulness based stress reduction starts after the holidays too. Don’t forget to register!!
Have a good week,
🌷Healthy Mind, Happy Heart

Upcoming classes and free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

31 May: Creative Mindfulness. 

17 June: Mindfulness for Kids workshop

24 June: All Good Colourers

7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness, MBSR training. This succesful mindfulness training is for beginners and for those who have done a short training before. Integrate mindfulness into your daily life and get 10+ downloadable exercises to practice at home. Down to earth class.


Mindfulness Workout of the week.
One of the things that always works, and is also part of the mindfulness for kids programme Pause Breathe Smile is that children are asked to smile as part of the mindfulness practices.
The body and brain are connected, they trigger each other and listen to another. You can use that, to influence how you feel. If you move your mouth into a smiley pose that will make you feel a little more positive. I bet you are trying it right now 😁
So this week, all you have to focus on, is to consciously bring your mouth to smile, a couple of times a day, and see what happens.
You can put a sticky note with a smiley face on your mirror, draw a little smiley on your hand, change your passwords to finish with SMILE, or set a timer a couple of times a day, anything to remind yourself to smile.
Have a great week!
🤗Healthy Mind, Happy Heart

Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

Upcoming classes:

16 May: Creative Mindfulness. Down to earth and friendly weekly classes to learn mindfulness and be creative. Crochet, zendoodle, colour, knitting, origami, no artistic talents needed! So you look after your wellbeing in a fun way and stress less!

28 May: All Good Colourers, a monthly koha meet up for adults to colour, doodle and chat.

7 August: 8 week Rewire Your Brain for Happiness, MBSR training. This succesful mindfulness training is for beginners and for those who have done a short training before. Integrate mindfulness into your daily life and get 10+ downloadable exercises to practice at home. Down to earth class.

It was mother’s day yesterday, and as every Sunday I Skype my mum. We talked about how we both often feel amazed by time. We’re both feeling at least 20 years younger than we are!! So the good thing is that we both feel young at heart 💖
It does make me think though, are we not accepting that we are aging? Are we avoiding, looking the other way? I like to think we are not!
We are just chosing to live in the present, not thinking to much about what is ahead of us, and taking in every day with joy, not counting the days.
Every now and than we look back in awe and maybe sadness, realising that so many years flew by, just like that! And that’s ok too, it’s ok to have all different feelings about that, however not lingering there too long maybe.
It’s by acknowledging and accepting that change, time passing, and growing older is part of life, and inevitable, that helps us to move on again.
So this week take a moment to reflect on your life, the years that have been and your plans for the future. How does it make you feel? Can you accept that change, time passing and growing older is part of life? Are there things you want to do, or that you are going to do differently in the future?
Have a great week!

Free Weekly Mindfulness


Half way through the holidays already!
☀️Thursday I run a mindfulness workshop for kids. Improve attention and focus, worry less sleep better, have a happy life!
Sign up soon!
☀️☀️Tawa All Good Coloures are meeting up again this Sunday, you are so welcome to join us!
☀️☀️☀️Tuesday evenings Creative Mindfulness starts again after the holidays. A great safe space to maintain or increase your wellbeing!!
>>>>>Workout starts here:
Every holiday I notice how fast days are going by!!
It’s easy to get absorbed by daily chores, looking after everybody, without doing anything specific, or without doing anything just for you!
However you need a break too, even if it is 5 minutes!! Mindfulness is also taking care of yourself. You have to fill your batttery so you can keep going.
There are some great apps you can put on your phone to help you doing something daily, to benefit your self. I challenge you to pick just one of them, and try to use them for a week. 
Love to hear what you app you pick!!
Have a great week,
Healthy Mind, Happy Heart






Free Weekly Mindfulness

📌Kids Workshop Mindfulness is next week Thursday!

Email monique@easynowmindfulness to register your children!


Hope you had a nice long weekend! We were home, spending some time together, no pressure, no stress.
One of the attitudes of mindfulness is to be non-judgmental.
We are judging all the time and this keeps us safe when we are crossing a road.
However we often judge out of habit, and this can affect how we feel. Judging ourselves negatively, or judging others in a negative way, gives us negative feelings and makes us feel disconnected from others.
So this week, try to be aware of your judging, and if you can, try to change your mind into judging a little less, so you feel a little happier.
Have a great week!
🌷Healthy Mind Happy Heart

Free Weekly Mindfulness Workout

It’s nearly holidays! I will run a Mindfulness workshop for KIDS on the Thursday morning, let me know if you are interested!!
When you practice mindfulness, you will learn to notice all the chitter chatter going on in your mind, and that is great!
This gives you the opportunity to sit back and let it be just that, inner chatter!!
You don’t have to take every thought that pops up in your mind so serious!
You might also notice how easily one thought leads to another thought and how your feelings follow your thoughts along.
This week take some time every day to just sit and watch that inner chatter. Don’t analyse it, just notice.
Your mind can be like a snowglobe, if you put it down, the glitter will settle like your mind will settle if you just take a break and watch it!
Making a glitter jar is a great way to explain this to children, and watching the glitter settle can have a very calming effect on children.
Here’s an easy way to make one. Show me your picture if you make one! This is also where the picture above is from.
Have a great week,
Healthy Mind Happy Heart